Thursday, April 14, 2011

Poppy's Name

Many people have claimed that English is a funny language. When a word is spelled a particular way, it should be pronounced the same way. Surely, if the relationship between a spelling and its pronunciation was meant to be different, then the Gentlecreatures that attended the conference at the Tower of Babel would have decreed it to be so. Indeed, when the first divergence between pronunciation and spelling propped up in the language spoken by the Gentlehumans, a lot of creatures were baffled at the utter contempt of tradition, honour and the decrees made by the Gentlecreatures at the Tower of Babel. Why, even the plankton strictly adhered to the codes laid down by the Learned Ones, who knew much more about Speaking and Words than anything else. Even the plankton, who were considered to be the Lowliest Forms of Being on the Great Planet. Even the Housefly clan, the Most Intelligent Creatures on the Great Planet, adhered to these rules, for they knew better than to mess with laws that had laid dormant for thousands of years. But the Gentlehumans, who strangely chose to surround themselves with walls made of stone, decided to alter the Spelling-Pronunciation Continuum.

But, alas. The Gentlehumans are known for a lot of things, but kindness or gratitude has never been one of those. I belong to a clan that was quietly adept in the languages of our kind and the languages of the creatures that we shared our land with. We frolicked with these creatures, we shared the rain with them, we shared our words with them. I was reared by a flower, as all beings of my kind are. Polly, for that was her name, was considered to be impolitely strange by her sistren. But nobody knew that most of her weirdness arose out of her intelligence, for her Knowledge, in all its infinity, was too immense to be stored within her small body. In her Infinite Wisdom, she gave me a name that jolted our little slumbering habitat from its Wordsly sleep. She broke the Spelling- Pronunciation Continuum, a feat that nobody had ever achieved before. Not even the Much Speaking Nightingales broke the laws laid down by th Babelians. Polly, in her Infinite Wisdom knew what she was doing, why she was doing it and how it would change the world. But the Sistren of the Flowers, in their Limited Wisdom were incapable of understanding her feat. They banned Polly, and me, the Child with the Accursed Name. Not that it ever occurred to me and Polly, even in her Wisdom, that this was a bad thing. The Slumbering Habitat was too little a place for both their minds to wander unbroken. We frolicked together, with creatures outside our own Habitat. We spread our words, our words and my name. We taught the creatures that laws could be created and that they could be broken. Once, a Gentlehuman wandered into our midst. We treated her, nurtured her and thought her what we knew. We took her back to her Gentlefolks, so that she could be happy, with people that were her own. We continued to frolick around the moss ridden trees and spread our words. One day, a Gentlehuman passed by and told us of the news. Told us about the Gentlehuman who had broken the Spelling-Pronouncing Continuum. Told us about how she came up with the word that defied thousands of years of compliance. Told us about how, with a word, she established the supremacy of the Gentlehumans over the Spoken Word. The rest is history. The Gentlehumans became the masters, while my kind was slowly written off all their works, till nobody remembered the one with the Name that defied the Babelians.
What is my name, you ask? Why, it is nothing but Jojoba.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I killed my pet raccoon

Welcome, everybody, to the land of the Insipid. We wake up in the mornings, we go to bed in the night and what happens in the due course of the day is nothing but a whole lot of nonsense. We drink coffee, pretend to do something with our lives. We drink coffee, we complain about the petrol prices or the government's latest law or the crabby taxi driver. We drink coffee and pretend to do something with our lives, when in reality that is all that we do. Drink coffee.
But yet, most people would agree with me when I say this, there is something incredibly satisfying in drinking coffee. Everybody drinks coffee. If they don't, then secretly, down deep inside, they want to. But not everybody gets to drink coffee.
This brings us to the biggest question that all the people in the land of the Insipid face. What do those who don't drink coffee do? The answer is quite simple. They kill their pet raccoon. Why? Because they just have to do something don't they? They kill their pet raccoons. And nothing, not even coffee can stop them from killing them.
Yet again, most people would still agree with me even when I say this, there is something incredibly alluring about raccoons as well.
Coffee and pet raccoons.
The formula for the perfect life in the perfect land of the Insipid.
I rest my case.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Far Away

The cold morning mist hugged the trees close to its bosom. The long winding road promised a long, happy journey, if not a destination. But it was perfect. It was exactly what I was looking for. To the side, there was a mountainous road that would lead me further away from civilization, further into the heart of nature. I trotted along the path, at my own pace. I had nothing to worry about here.

I walked further on. The faithful dog that I had named Doggie ran ahead of me, sniffing at plants, sensing things that only dogs seem to sense. The rain kept beating against my skin. Patter Patter. Not the kind of rain you find in the middle of the city. No. This rain was cruel and relentless. And somehow, that made it purer.

The world looked so different. So much more pristine. Untouched. Like a virgin. It felt like I was the first person to walk this path since the beginning of time. But who knows? Maybe I was. It sure felt that way. I plucked out a couple of leeches that were stuck to my feet like, well, leeches. I looked up, at the wet, gravelly road that stretched endlessly ahead, the mountains on my side, the forest that was crawling with so many untold, hidden secrets. Doggie stood there, in the middle of the road. He looked at me, with his head tilted. I could almost hear him ask me, what's holding you back?

Nothing, i replied. Nothing is holding me back.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I am a shadow. I'm always by your side, though you never realize it.
I am a shadow. I live in the darkness you cast, while you turn your face to the sun.
I am a shadow. I cry when you do, I laugh when you do.
I am a shadow. Your only companion when you're all alone in the world.
I am a shadow. Your one true friend.
I am a shadow. The one you never care for.
I am a shadow. The one you turn to, when you want to hide your tears.
I am a shadow. All that will be left of you when you fall to shame.
I am a shadow. I am you.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


There is love. And then there is all consuming, irrevocable, irreplaceable love.
In love, you need the other person to be there for you. And when they are not there, you miss them.
In irrevocable love, you don't need the person. You don't even miss them, because you know that they are a part of you. A part of your being, your existence.
So, how can you miss someone who is a part of your own self? Someone who is in every breath you take, every song you sing? Someone who is present in every word you write, every raindrop that touches your skin?
You can't. And you don't. Because when you really really love a person, distance is not a matter. When your souls are bound together, it doesn't matter if you are not physically together. When you love each other, you do that because it is the only thing to do. The natural thing. Like breathing. It is something you live for. Without which, life would just be a meaningless existence.
I don't know how long i will wait for you. I don't know if i will love you forever. But I love you today, and that is what matters. And I will wait for you as long as i can, i will love you for as long as i can. And I will hope, that no matter where you are, no matter how far, you will hear these words whenever I utter them.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A month.

A month.
Seems like an eternity since i spoke to you. Since i heard your voice. Since I heard you say 'i love you'. But then again, there is a chance i might never hear you say it again.
But i won't believe that. Things might get worse from here, but I'm not gonna lose faith in you, faith in us. Maybe I'm wrong. But i have nothing to lose by believing.
A lot can change in a month. For the better or for the worse.
I'll keep my fingers crossed till then.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Teenager in Love

Its funny how much you want to write when you're really sad. Three posts in one day, when i haven't posted once since June.
I never appreciated how right Dion and the Belmonts were.

Each night i ask the stars up above, why must I be a teenager in love?

Well, never had to ask myself till now I guess.
You never appreciate the meaning of some songs till you go through the feelings that they talk about.
How can something that was so beautiful actually cause so much pain?
It is a real bad feeling. When something you thought would last forever comes to an abrupt end. And you're left in the dust, feeling empty.
Who would have ever thought that little quarrels could lead to something so big?

I cried a tear, for nobody but you.

Random Ramblings. Random thoughts that pop into my head as i stare at the chat box and wait for him to talk to me.
If you should say goodbye, I'll still go on loving you.
Each night I ask the stars above, why must I be a teenager in love?